The Weaving Revolution: Tengeneza Generation's livelihood Project Empowers Youth and Young Mothers in Rural Tanzania

Empowering Young mothers in Rural Tanzania: Tengeneza Generation's Entrepreneurship Initiative

Starting a business is challenging for anybody, but it can be especially difficult for young people, particularly youth and young mothers from rural Tanzania. Limited access to educational resources, financial barriers, and a lack of essential assistance structures can make starting a business seem like an unachievable dream. One of the most significant issues for youth and young mothers in rural Tanzania is a lack of access to entrepreneurial training and financial resources. Aside from these obstacles, youth and young mothers in rural Tanzania frequently lack the support and guidance they require to succeed. Many people do not have access to mentoring or networking opportunities, both of which are essential for creating a successful business. Furthermore, the stigma associated with failure can make it difficult for young mothers to take risks and pursue their entrepreneurial dreams.

To address these challenges, Tengeneza generation has developed a unique livelihood program that provides practical training and support for youth and young mothers in rural Tanzania. Through a combination of classroom instruction, mentorship, and hands-on experience, young people and young mothers from rural communities will learn the skills and knowledge they need to start and grow successful businesses through VUKA project (a Swahili word that indicates transition).

The VUKA project is a combination of NRM (Natural Resource Management) and livelihood activities with the goal of economic empowering young people aged 15 to 30 who are located in rural communities. Currently the project is being implemented in Ruvuma community that is found around Arc Mountains in Morogoro with the aim of reaching more than 190 young people and 35 young mothers will receive technical training on entrepreneurship by waving different products such as baskets, mats, and hats that can later be sold, as well as training on alternative sources of income. And over 150 people will take part in NRM, where they will learn about forest management, Agroforest knowledge, and tree sampling.